1. The shade of Rafa’s shirt can most closely be characterised as:
a) Salmon
b) Water Melon
c) Neon Pink
d) None of the above – you were actually viewing the match through a thermal imaging camera.
2. “Rafa and Fed’s respective shades of pink most closely resemble their personalities.”
This statement is:
a) Completely true – Fed embodies reserve, class, restraint, subtlety and dignity. Nadal? Apparently, none of these things. Heh.
b) Somewhat true, but mostly b*llocks.
c) Unqualified, unalloyed b*llocks – Rafa is the Salmon Wrap to Fed’s Neopolitan Surprise, personalities don’t come into it.
3. Stan lost 7-6 6-3. Were you even looking at the score? Should you have been looking at the score?
Justify your answer in less than 140 characters.
You have 40 mins.
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